Turma: 9° Ano do Ensino Fundamental II
Disciplina: Língua Inglesa
Tema da Aula: Pobreza e egocentrismo na sociedade.
Tempo de Duração
de aula: Duas aulas de 50 minutos cada
para cada módulo
B) Objetivos
1. Leitura e
Interpretação do romance: A Christmas Carol.
2. Compreensão do
texto de produção da obra.
3. Apresentar e
explicar o tempo verbal “ Simple Present”, o uso na terceira pessoa (he, she,
it), uso dos verbos auxiliares do, does, aprender a construir e estruturar
formas afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa.
4. Ajudar a
desenvolver a habilidade de escrita através de uma atividade de produção
5) Interpretação
de texto através de um pequeno filme sobre o video A Christimas Carol
C) Recursos
Texto: Chapter 1 –
Marley’s Ghost, versão simplificada do conto de Charles Dickens. Disponivel em
Acesso em 27/10/2018 ás 14h.
Texto: Chapter 2 –
The First of the Three Spirits, versão simplificada do conto de Charles
Dickens. Disponivel em
Acesso em 27/10/2018 ás 14:30h.
Video: A Christimas Carol. Disponível em <>
A) Metodologia de
Introdução sobre o período histórico no qual o romance foi produzido, o
professor deve fazer uma breve explicação sobre A revolução industrial e a Era
Vitoriana, é importante que o professor foque na produção literária desse
período citando importantes autores da época como As irmãs Bronte, Sir Arthur
Conan Doyle, Robert Louis Stevenson e Charles Dickens.
2. O professor
deve apresentar o autor Charles Dickens, e realizar algumas considerações sobre
a leitura do romance A Christmas Carol,
é importante que a leitura do primeiro capítulo seja realizada em
conjunto com os alunos.
Chapter 1 –
Marley’s Ghost
Marley was dead,
to begin with – there’s no doubt about that. He was as dead as a doornail.
Marley and Scrooge
were business partners once. But then Marley died and now their firm belonged
to Scrooge, who was a stingy and heartless old man. Once upon a time, on
Christmas Eve, old Scrooge sat busy in his office. It was very cold outside and
in Scrooge’s office it was not much warmer either. Suddenly, a cheerful person
entered the office. It was Scrooge’s nephew.
“A merry
Christmas, uncle! God save you!” Fred said.
“Bah!” said
Scrooge, “Humbug!”
“Christmas a
humbug, uncle!” said Scrooge’s nephew. “You don’t mean that, I am sure?”
“I do,” said
Scrooge. “What’s Christmas time to you? You have to pay bills without money!
You’re a year older but not an hour richer! Keep Christmas in your way, and let
me keep it in mine.”
“Keep it? But you
don’t keep it,” said Scrooge’s nephew, who was a very friendly young man. He
even tried to cheer Scrooge up and invited him for dinner on Christmas Day. But
Scrooge said no and sent him out.
When Scrooge’s
nephew left, two gentlemen came in to collect money for the poor who had no place
they could go. Stingy Scrooge, however, didn’t give the gentlemen any money.
“Are there no
prisons? Are there no workhouses?” he asked sarcastically and told them to
leave the office.
When it was time
to close the office, Scrooge talked to his clerk, Bob Cratchit.
“You want all day
off tomorrow, don’t you?” said Scrooge.
“If that is okay,
Sir,” answered the clerk.
“It’s not okay,”
said Scrooge, “and it is not fair. After all, I have to pay you for the day
although you don’t work. But if it must be, I want you to start work even
earlier the following morning.”
Cratchit promised
that he would; and the two went home.
Scrooge lived all
alone in an old house. The yard was very dark and scary that night and when
Scrooge wanted to unlock the door, he had the feeling that he saw Marley’s face
there. This was rather spooky, but Scrooge was not frightened easily. “Humbug,”
he said, opened the door and walked in. He locked himself in, however, which he
usually didn’t do. But then he felt safe again and sat down before the fire.
Suddenly, Scrooge
heard a noise, deep down below, as if somebody was dragging a heavy chain. The
noise came nearer and nearer, and then Scrooge saw a ghost coming right through
the heavy door. It was Marley’s ghost, and his chains were long; they were made
of cash-boxes, keys and heavy purses.
“Who are you?”
said Scrooge
“In life I was
your partner, Jacob Marley.”
“But why do you
come to me now?”
“I must wander
through the world and I wear the chains because I was so stingy in life. I only
cared about business but not about the people around me. Now, I am here to warn
you. You still have a chance, Ebenezer. Three spirits will come to you. Expect
the first tomorrow, when the bell tolls one.”
When he had said
these words, Marley’s ghost disappeared; and the night became quiet again.
Scrooge went straight to bed, without undressing, and fell asleep immediately.
3. Em seguida, os
alunos devem refletir sobre as questões propostas abaixo:
a) Em um trecho do
texto o personagem diz “I only cared about business but not about the people
around me. “ na sua opinião existem pessoas como Scrooge?
b) No contexto em
que a obra foi escrita, grande parte da sociedade não estava satisfeita com a
forma que viviam, o trabalho excessivo nas fábricas, com isso a literatura tem
como uma das funções de humanizar mais as pessoas. Pelo que leu você acha que o
autor consegue representar aquela sociedade na obra? Por que?
c) Em uma das
cenas dois cavalheiros passam pedindo dinheiro para os pobres que não tinham
para onde ir. Na sua cidade, país, existem pessoas pobres que também não tem
para onde ir e o que comer? Como você acha que o governo ou as pessoas poderiam
Módulo 2
O Professor deve
iniciar a aula retomando com os alunos o conto trabalhando na última aula, é
importante que os alunos comentem o que eles lembram do texto trabalhado na
última aula e como eles acham que a história vai continuar.
Será entregue aos
alunos a continuidade da história, a leitura deverá ser realizada em conjunto
com a turma, o professor pode pedir para que os alunos façam a leitura em voz
alta com pausas para que os alunos possam ir tirando dúvidas em relação ao
Chapter 2 – The
First of the Three Spirits
When Scrooge
awoke, it was still very foggy and extremely cold, and there was no noise of people in the streets.
ghost bothered him. He
didn’t know whether it was a dream
or not. Then he remembered that a
spirit should visit him at one o’clock. So
Scrooge decided to lie awake and wait what happens.
Suddenly, the clock struck one. Light flashed up in the room and a
small hand drew back the curtains of
his bed. Then Scrooge found himself
face to face with the visitor. It was a
strange figure – like a child: yet not so like a child as like an old
man. Its hair, which hung about its neck and down its back, was white as if with age; and yet the
face had not a wrinkle in it.
“Who, and what are you?” Scrooge asked the ghost.
“I am the Ghost of Christmas Past. Rise and
come with me.”
The ghost took Scrooge back in time, to a place where Scrooge was a boy.
There Scrooge could see his younger self playing with other children. They were
cheerfully running around the Christmas tree; and although they were poor, they
had lots of fun.
The spirit also took Scrooge to a warehouse,
where Scrooge was an apprentice. Scrooge saw
the merry Christmas Eve they spent in the office with their boss Mr
Fezziwig and his family. There was
food and music and dancing and everybody was
Then the spirit took Scrooge to yet another
place. Scrooge was older now. He was not alone, but sat by the side of a beautiful young girl, Belle. There were tears in her eyes.
“It is sad to see,” she said, softly. “that another love has displaced me – the love of gold. Your heart was full of love once, but now …?
I think it is better for us to part. May you be happy in the life you have
“Spirit,” said Scrooge, “show me no more.
Take me home. Why do you torture me?”
“One shadow more,” said the ghost.
Após a leitura, a
sala será dividida em duplas, as duplas devem identificar no texto verbos no
simple past.
Após a
identificação dos verbos, os alunos devem classificar em regular verbs/
irregular verbs, em dupla eles devem responder as questões a seguintes questões
How do we make the
Past Simple positive of regular verbs? Is there a rule for irregular verbs?
How do we make the
Past Simple negative? What are the Past simple negative forms of be and can?
How do we usually
make Past Simple questions?
5. Após os alunos responderem as questões o
professor deve explicar sobre o uso do Past Simple na forma positiva, negativa
e interrogativa, a explicação deve conter exemplos e elucidar o uso do verbo be
no passado com was e were e o verbo can na forma positiva e negativa.
B) Avaliação
6) Após o termino da explicação será entregue aos alunos o paragrafo final do capitulo, os alunos devem ler o parágrafo e colocar os verbos em negrito no simple past.
B) Avaliação
6) Após o termino da explicação será entregue aos alunos o paragrafo final do capitulo, os alunos devem ler o parágrafo e colocar os verbos em negrito no simple past.
Recognise say
can sit marry be find struggle
see have
They __________ in another scene and place; a room,
not very large or handsome, but full of comfort. There _______ a happy family
celebrating Christmas with all their warmth and heartiness. Scrooge __________
Belle, his former girlfriend. She __________
now and __________ children.
“Belle,” _____________ her husband with a smile, “I
_______ an old friend of yours this
afternoon. Mr Scrooge it ____________. I ___________ his office window; and as
it _____________ not shut up, and he __________ a candle inside, I ___________
see him there. His partner is dying, I hear; and there he ___________ alone.
Quite alone in the world, I do believe.”
“Spirit,” said Scrooge in a broken voice, “Take me
back! I cannot bear it any longer.”
He ___________ with the ghost to take him back. And
finally Scrooge ___________ himself in his own bed again. He __________ very
exhausted and sank into a heavy sleep.
Aula 3
1. Será realizada uma roda de conversa, no qual será
avaliado a participação dos alunos na síntese de ideias, o professor deve realizar
uma discussão sobre o egocentrismo e ambição da personagem Ebenezer Scrooge, é
importante que no decorrer da discussão os alunos abordem as principais
características das personagens principais do conto.
2. Durante a reflexão, os alunos podem colocar na lousa
os adjetivos que caracterizam os personagens.
3. Após isso, eles
devem ler os capítulos recebidos nas aulas anteriores e encontrar
os adjetivos que estão na louca
4. Na segunda parte da aula, o professor irá
propor um jogo, os alunos devem se reunir em grupos, cada grupo será sorteado
com um personagem do conto e deve escolher um representante para ser o
personagem. Os demais alunos farão perguntas para cada representante com
características que essa personagem tem, e o representante irá respondendo, as perguntas
e respostas devem ser realizadas em inglês.
No final vence o grupo que conseguir acertar o maior número de
Aula 4
O professor irá passar um vídeo
com áudio e legenda inglês que narra a história de Dickens A Christmas Carol, o
vídeo está disponível no YouTube. Depois de assistir o vídeo, os alunos devem
explicar o que entenderam.
professor deve passar o vídeo novamente, após isso os alunos devem responder se
as questões abaixo são verdadeiras ou falsa.
( ) Ebenezer Scrooge is a generous man.
( ) Every year Scrooge spends Christmas day
with his nephew Fred
( ) Ebenezer gives nothing to charity.
( ) Jacob Marley has been dead for seven years.
( ) The Ghost of Christmas Past is silent.
( ) Scrooge and Belle got a divorce.
( ) Bob Cratchit has a son called Tiny Tim.
( ) The Ghost of Christmas Future shows Scrooge
his own grave.
( )On Christmas morning, Scrooge buys a chicken
for the Cratchit family.
( ) Scrooge promises to change his way of life
and become a better person.
FESTINO, Cielo. A Estética
da Diferença e o Ensino das Literaturas de Língua Inglesa
REDSTON, Chris; CUNNINGHAM, Gillie. Face2face:
Pre Intermediate Students Book. 2. ed. [S.l.]: Cambridge, 2012. 168 p.
Disponível em: <>.
Acesso em 25/10/2018
Marley’s Ghost,
versão simplificada do conto de Charles Dickens. Disponivel em
Acesso em 27/10/2018
The First of the
Three Spirits, versão simplificada do conto de Charles Dickens. Disponivel em
Acesso em 27/10/2018
Video: A
Christimas Carol. Disponível em: <> Acesso em 27/10/2018
Aline Aureliano Alves
Benedito Marcelo A. Martins
Regiane Lopes da Silva
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